Saturday, October 17, 2009

Autumn with no funds.

New York, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

A lovely autumn Saturday, I should be down the Park with the children enjoying the weather and the company. Instead, I am penniless and bored, I can’t avoid to travel the messily 40 miles on the train to collect them. Why? Because Upickstorage refused to pay me.

On the Plus side our blogs are really becoming quite popular and we have received so interesting emails from a few storage companies… Thanks for the support guys and if you want to become a sponsor of these blogs give us a shout, we would be honored….

Anyway I have been addicted to Blip the last couple of days and I came across an old favorite… so I figured the words are so fitting to this hideous situation. This is another shout out, ( ok warning the tune is very heavy and there is a lot of language which may offend..)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Burglars target Tulsa storage units |

New York, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,
Surveillance is underway at self storage unit companies across the city, as Tulsa police burglary detectives work to catch thieves who have broken into 10 businesses in recent three weeks.

The crooks have stolen well over $100,000 in property so far.

It's been a few days since they struck the last business. Considering how busy this burglary ring has been, police believe the crooks are actively looking for new targets.

In just three weeks time, around 100 mini-storage units have been burglarized across Tulsa. Sergeant Brandon Watkins heads TPD's Burglary Unit.

Burglars target Tulsa storage units |

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My its difficult sometime

things have been extremely difficult. First off, trying to file for unemployment has been a nightmare. 5 weeks after claiming we get a letter saying the man say yes…. And we are entitled to next to nothing…. Next was benefit for housing… It took us so long to find accommodation which was fairly central to the children. We thought we found perfect accommodation in a town about forty miles away from them. Thinking that’s not too bad? Boy was I wrong. Today I discover, that the government will only pay a percentage of the rent… the rest has to come from a benefit cheque which would barely keep a rabbit in food…..

There were a few highlights of the day. One being the woman at the housing… It was funny that she started waving her hands around like a gibbon when I unintentionally swore. What I actually said was “I can’t believe all this hassle because I went to the US for a job that Fucked me around”. Boy these people need to toughen up. People use to swear at me all the time.

The next was an email received asking me to remove my comment from Facebook , because they found it offensive…. I have to say, PLEASE, you find it offensive, WTF?? Your family has screwed me and you want me to sit back and consider peoples feelings?? REALLY? feeling like nothing else can go wrong. The fact is, we have been saying that since June 11 2009… I am normally such a tryer, I never give up on something just because it’s difficult. Whether that is me being pig headed or stubborn I am unsure, but the fact remains I do not quit.

Anyway Part 6 is due soon, however it is my Partner who is composing this one, due to the fact it that is based at a critical point where the upickstorage owner has some form of fit at her.

Wordpress Storage News and Events

We can now be followed on are now on Wordpress...... click the logo to view

Thank You

New York, Braud and Gallagher, Self Storage Florida,,,,
Thanks again Guys for all your emails of Support.... I am realizing these are in episodes, but there is a very valid reason for this..

The reason I am publishing these blogs, IS BECAUSE I FEEL THESE PEOPLE LIED AND BETRAYED my partner, my children and Me... I want the world to know this. No other reason. It helps me vent my disgust at them.. plus they have to remember I optimized their site using no money, I can optimize my own site with out money too.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Canadian self-storage art work.

Article from inside Self Storage New York, Self Storage Florida,,,,

Renowned artist Bill Maximick has produce an elaborate painting covering 1,700 square feet of Driftwood Self Storage in Courtenay, British Columbia.

The painting, commissioned 18 months ago by Canadian self-storage owner Cliff Piercy, stretches 145 feet long and 12 feet high.

Maximick also worked self-storage into the painting, adding four open storage doors and themed unit contents.

take a few minutes to read our story, how we returned to the UK homeless after assist with the set up of their business.