Saturday, October 24, 2009

Quick update and Autumn walks

New York,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Ange
Just a just a quick Blog today... I have my children this weekend( which is fantastic) so i am making the most of the time we get together, I plan to take a walk in the local park, Eat treacle toffee, and kick up some leafs... all the normal stuff you do in Autumn..

Looking at the Storage news front, there is couple of interesting storages news stories floating around the internet.

1/ Bermuda Public Storage will soon open in the budding Bermuda market. The 50000-square-foot self-storage., Click here for full story.

2/Fire officials said 6 units at the self storage center were set on fire. read full story here

It would be great if you could check out some of the ads on this page.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

The Texas Self Storage Association is about to hosts its annual convention and trade show in

The Texas Self Storage Association is about to hosts its annual convention and trade show in The Woodlands, On Sunday, October 25 till Wednesday, October 28, 2009. New York, Braud and Gallagher,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage

It will featuring a wide range of products and services from the self-storage industry and is open to the public on Tuesday, October 27.

The event kicks off with a charity Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament with the proceeds benefiting the Shriners Childrens Burn Hospital in Galveston. Monday, October 26, will also feature educational sessions ranging from marketing a self-storage facility, to applying solar power to self storage. Sessions offer topics of interest to potential investors and developers, new owners and managers and topics to appeal to the seasoned self-storage professional as well.

Those interested in attending can register online at or by calling 888-259-4902.

The Texas Self Storage Association was established in 1986 and is a non-profit trade association dedicated to enhancing the quality of the self-storage industry in Texas. The Association provides opportunities for member to increase their knowledge.

Don't forget you can follow our story, on how we built upickstorage's database and was not paid. Click here

We can also be followed on facebook & twitter

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A better way for web designers to find clients and for clients to find web designers

One of the issues I use to hear time and time again, is where can we find a web designer, so i figured why not post this here.. check it out....

Launch: Haystack - a better way for web designers to find clients and for clients to find web designers

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


New York,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

Just a quick Blog today... It has been a busy day with Job interviews and preparing for other one to come.

It has been brought to my attentions that we have had well over 4000 visitors, the biggest majority visiting our blog with in the last month. Again I am astonished at the supportive emails we have received. I would like to thank you all so much. I would like to especially thank the good people at Care2.

If you have not had chance to read how upickstorage refused to pay me for my work. click here

Monday, October 19, 2009

If your going though Hell Keep going

New York,,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

Since we arrived back in the UK over a month ago its been mixed bag of experiences. First of all there was the Car rental nightmare. 18hr flight, arrived in Manchester, with the expectation that we would have a car ready, Oh how wrong we were, the company we ordered with failed to accept our credit card because it was from the US. 4 hours later we got one but it was a manual, which my partner can’t drive. Ahhhhh, so we wait a further 2 hours and finally got an automatic tank…
Then the next 2 days, we were heavily jet lagged and needed to find suitable accommodation. The plan was, that we had already made the huge leap in going to the US, with the hope we can open door for our children, or better still an opportunity to live closer to them once upickstorage was up and running. So we held on to that hope and opted to find accommodation in the North West of England. Again, this was not a simple as we first envisaged. We finally found a small one bed flat about forty miles away. Close to the Children and close to Manchester City centre which should if all works out, open doors for employment. We did all this with the last of our savings from selling everything before we took the plunge to the US.
On the employment side of things it has been horrendous. I have registered with every agency in the North West area, particularly, ones which deal with my type of employment. Which if I am honest is pretty specialized. I have also applied for so many jobs its untrue, some times up to 20 applications in one day. Its kinds of demoralizing when you do not hear back from them or worse it turns out to be another agency who also wants you their books.
So the last month has not been great. With no money, and living in a village we have no idea about or even friendly with. My Partner and I tend to be on the internet 24/7 at the moment, composing blogs, social networking or looking for work. Seeing my children has been a limited affair due to the fact we can’t avoid the train fares.
My future Plans are to find A JOB. Pass my driving test. Find more suitable accommodation (slightly bigger) have a proper routine to see my children. I also need to prove to my Partner than I am worth all this, she has put up with so much, she has been there by my side thought out all of this and she has lost her brothers because of their actions. And I love her so so much.

Storage auctions yield mix of treasure

New York,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

I found a really interesting article about Storage Auction over at

the whole post got me seriously wanting to attend one of these,I can imagine there are heaps of valuable goods to be bought on the cheap. ( If your curious to know what an Storage Auction is head here)

Anyway the article is about 72-year-old Wagner and her husband, who both appear to be a pro in the Storage auction business, to read the story head here

Storage auctions yield mix of treasure & junk -

Oh and don't forget to read our story on how upickstorage failed to pay me for the database which there website is built on... Click Here

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Public Storage

New York, ,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

There are very few Self Storage news Items around this weekend, I don’t know why, but its low on the ground. Sorry Guys,.There was one slightly interesting story about Public Storage which announced on Thursday that it intends to release its third quarter 2009 earnings results on Thursday, November 5, 2009. Kind of looking forward to that because the company has a had interests in 2,010 self-storage facilities located in 38 states with approximately 127 million net rentable square feet in the United States and 185 storage facilities located in seven Western European nations with approximately ten million net rentable square feet.

On a personal note the reason I am still posting Self storage news and events is to keep this blog on topic, which is Self Storage News and Events, However it is also turned into an personal blog about how upickstorage did not pay me for the work I did for them. Their whole website is built on a database which I put together, If you’re interested in reading about this people and their company Click Here