Monday, October 19, 2009

If your going though Hell Keep going

New York,,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

Since we arrived back in the UK over a month ago its been mixed bag of experiences. First of all there was the Car rental nightmare. 18hr flight, arrived in Manchester, with the expectation that we would have a car ready, Oh how wrong we were, the company we ordered with failed to accept our credit card because it was from the US. 4 hours later we got one but it was a manual, which my partner can’t drive. Ahhhhh, so we wait a further 2 hours and finally got an automatic tank…
Then the next 2 days, we were heavily jet lagged and needed to find suitable accommodation. The plan was, that we had already made the huge leap in going to the US, with the hope we can open door for our children, or better still an opportunity to live closer to them once upickstorage was up and running. So we held on to that hope and opted to find accommodation in the North West of England. Again, this was not a simple as we first envisaged. We finally found a small one bed flat about forty miles away. Close to the Children and close to Manchester City centre which should if all works out, open doors for employment. We did all this with the last of our savings from selling everything before we took the plunge to the US.
On the employment side of things it has been horrendous. I have registered with every agency in the North West area, particularly, ones which deal with my type of employment. Which if I am honest is pretty specialized. I have also applied for so many jobs its untrue, some times up to 20 applications in one day. Its kinds of demoralizing when you do not hear back from them or worse it turns out to be another agency who also wants you their books.
So the last month has not been great. With no money, and living in a village we have no idea about or even friendly with. My Partner and I tend to be on the internet 24/7 at the moment, composing blogs, social networking or looking for work. Seeing my children has been a limited affair due to the fact we can’t avoid the train fares.
My future Plans are to find A JOB. Pass my driving test. Find more suitable accommodation (slightly bigger) have a proper routine to see my children. I also need to prove to my Partner than I am worth all this, she has put up with so much, she has been there by my side thought out all of this and she has lost her brothers because of their actions. And I love her so so much.

1 comment:

  1. You are slowly getting there fleamo. It might not seem so at the this moment in time, but you both are.
