Friday, December 4, 2009

Wildomar Planning Commission recommends self-storage ban in certain areas | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Interest story from Sourth California news: the question is, Is this going to be a growing trend in local communities? Self-storage facilities do not belong where shopping centers could be built, Wildomar planning commissioners said last Wednesday.Wildomar Planning Commission recommends self-storage ban in certain areas | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cache Search

It appears that people are very interested in our old story, which has now been removed.  People keep visiting the old story via Google's cache. I'm sure they realize it takes a while for this to update. If  people are not aware of this, and are incredibly interested  in our story, I have no problem re-publishing.  The people accessing our site via the cache know who they are...

Since we are still having an epic struggle on a daily basis and with the approach to Christmas, the feelings of injustice will be growing and getting worse... Everyone involved must understand I have lost eveything and have nothing to lose with the story being on here... So I would suggest you all leave well enough alone, count your blessings and stop going over old ground.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update on the up and coming website.

Update on the new website... We encountered a few teething problems, which we reckon will be recified in Januray... (? Don't ask why so long,) I should say the original  which we have set up is up and running and looks great on the front end.. It also has plenty of room to hold a number of banner and other ads pages, However, the back end is not the easiest to work with on a daily bases, so due to this we will be transferring to another host in the middle of January... 
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Win A Black Nintendo Wii With Big Yellow Self Storage This Christmas | UKPRwire

Oh oh Oh the Christmas cheer has now begun with the Storage industry, If i am honest I seriously wish i could get excited about the Coming holidays, but as we are in no position at the moment it proving difficult... But hay maybe next year will bring us more luck...

Anyway sorry I drifted off there, It looks like Big Yellow storage is giving people the Chance to win a Wii, with their latest promo...

From 1st December right up to Christmas Day, Big Yellow Self Storage has daily stocking filler prizes to be won in their newly launched Facebook application including vouchers for iTunes, Homebase and Love 2 Shop redeemable at dozens of popular stores in the UK including Waterstones, Boots the Chemist & House of Fraser.

Win A Black Nintendo Wii With Big Yellow Self Storage This Christmas | UKPRwire

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chambers of secrets | The strange world of self-storage | UK news | The Observer

I can across this in the paper Guardian,Observer  yesterday.. I admit i like this paper, not just for out side the box articles but also for the Job section if i am honest..

Anyway the article goes in to details about what happens behind those steel doors, It appears a growing wave is merging and Storage units are being utilized for other means, not just to store our belongings...

Chambers of secrets | The strange world of self-storage | UK news | The Observer
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