Friday, July 24, 2009

Laid back Friday

This has to be the most insane CCTV footage I have seen, and believe me, I have seen some footage. This guys just goes bezek....

How many of your friends are capable of this...?

Office Worker Goes Absolutely Insane - Watch more Funny Videos

What do you buy a storage marketing guy, for his Birthday?

Wayhay! Its Friday, which means I generally like to post a lighthearted post.

Next week is personnel marketing dude's Birthday... So everyone in the office has been racking their brains to come up with a perfect gift for him....

My favorite is a gift so unique. I discovered this beauty whilst trawling the blogs over at holytaco. He just loves his baseball caps collection and he is also so well organized. This is sure to be a a super addition to his mass array of fanny bags and filo faxes.

I also found a gift that we would be NUTS not to get him. He is often over heard having lively debates with himself, about his favorite Political characters. I am sure he will love THESE..

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Self Storage Auctions, partie deux

Last weekend I posted an Article about self storage auction, without fully explaining the principle behind the idea.

So what is A Self Storage Auction. A storage Auction is a common legal remedy. If you fail to pay your rent on the self Storage unit the owner of the facility can effectively hold your belonging to ransom, until the customer pays the outstanding amount of money. Most people would rather pay the money and usually do pay the fees, than risk losing the property outright.
However there are occasions were some people can not pay or do not want to pay the money that is owed the self-storage facility. This often results with the Self Storage owner selling the belongings at auction. This can be very upsetting for the original owner, particularly in regards to items that have little or no physical value, but of a very high sentimental value.
On the flip side, for buyers and browsers there are bargains to be found and bought. The main focus is the Storage owner to recoup some of the money that has been lost by the non payment of rent. As a general rule the storage facility tries to make back some of their money and empty the space so the unit can be re-rented..
If you happen to attend an Auction like this expect to find all kinds of items, from domestic, collectible, PC and consoles, to more bizarre items like stuff pets etc.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vehicle Storage tips

When placing your vehicle into storage there are a number of steps you need to be considered. These steps are partially important when protecting vehicle from deterioration especially from the elements.
Before storing your vehicle it is important to take some time to properly prepare it. If you forget to prepare your vehicle for storage it will more than likely lead to a very expensive repairs bill and other problems when you try to run your vehicle in the future?

Find a good location to store your vehicle in.
Basic vehicle maintenance
Do not place you vehicle in storage with an empty gas tank or even a half filled gas tank.
It is recommended that you use a Synthetic oil whilst you vehicle, because synthetic oil will not break down at the same speed as normal oil.
Do not forget to remove your battery when you are preparing your vehicle for storage
Carefully wash your vehicle and wax it before placing in storage.
Take some time to wipe down your tires and apply some lithium grease to prevent cracking and other problems
Cover you vehicle with a high quality vehicle cover.
Rodent traps and insect poison or bait around the outside of the vehicle will lower the risk of infestation.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wierd Storage Stories,,,

The other day I posted a blog about why people use Self Storage.

This got me thinking about some of the strange stories I have come across, whilst I have been editing these blogs.

One story that sticks in my minds, was told to me at a party were I was slightly intoxicated, the problem with this story was I was never able to pin down the source.

From the haze I can only recollect fragments of the tale. Which was about a Guy who stored a dead body in a freezer ( apparently the freezer was plugged in and powered) inside a Self storage unit. I was informed that the body was only noticed when the guy failed to pay his rent on time. The storage owner was forced to open the unit to discover the ghastly Find.... Something tells me that it is more urban myth than fact.

Although I did find a interesting article at Daily Screw up which appears to be fact...
Randy was a treasured family pet, who had been at the centre of his family all his life. Sadly when Randy departed to run after dogs, cats and the odd mail man in the sky he left a grieving family who missed him terribly. But after a visit to the taxidermist Randy returned to his owners. Here the less mobile Randy continued to reassure the family with his presence. Some years later when a new lady replaced the wife of Randy’s owner she failed to appreciate Randy’s charms. He soon found his way into a storage room, made more homely with some photos and a few of his best toys. His owner visits him regularly and the storage operator ignores the “no pets” rule.

Self Storage a rough space guide

When Looking for Self Storage. People often wonder how much Storage space they would need. I thought it would be a good idea to give people seeking Self Storage a rough guide to the amount of space they would require:

The contents of a 1 bedroom house or flat approx 50 - 75 sqft

• The contents of a 2 bedroom house or flat approx 75 - 100 sqft

• The contents of a 3 bedroom house or flat approx 100 - 150 sqft

• The contents of a 4 bedroom house or flat approx 150 - 200 sqft

Monday, July 20, 2009

The up side of the current economic situation

Some good news for once about the current financial crisis. Numerous news stories published over the net are highlighting the fact that the business of self-storage has a tendency to counter the economic cycle. People often need storage space when the economy turns down and people who are in financial difficulties quickly downsize their lives.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Self Storage Auctions

One fun thing to do on a boring Sunday is attended an Storage Auction.

These appear to be very popular on this continent. People flock to them to see what treasures the storage unit hold.

One such storage unit auction was 10-by-10-foot which was stuffed to the brim with the contents of someone's life. From couches, beds, TVs, a microwave, boxes of clothing and much more hidden with in its depths.

When bidding began. Two men who obviously knew what they were doing battled it out, and the victor took the contents of the whole unit for a mere $400.

Units tend to be auctioned off after the renter has stopped paying the bill for three months, this is to help the storage facility make back some of their money and empty the space so the unit can be re-rented..

A variety of people come out to auctions. from Resalers, investors, dealers, yard-salers or people who just want something to do come out to try and find a bargain.

Most auctions tend to be advertised with a certified letter in a newspaper.

diigo it