Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Wierd Storage Stories,,,

The other day I posted a blog about why people use Self Storage.

This got me thinking about some of the strange stories I have come across, whilst I have been editing these blogs.

One story that sticks in my minds, was told to me at a party were I was slightly intoxicated, the problem with this story was I was never able to pin down the source.

From the haze I can only recollect fragments of the tale. Which was about a Guy who stored a dead body in a freezer ( apparently the freezer was plugged in and powered) inside a Self storage unit. I was informed that the body was only noticed when the guy failed to pay his rent on time. The storage owner was forced to open the unit to discover the ghastly Find.... Something tells me that it is more urban myth than fact.

Although I did find a interesting article at Daily Screw up which appears to be fact...
Randy was a treasured family pet, who had been at the centre of his family all his life. Sadly when Randy departed to run after dogs, cats and the odd mail man in the sky he left a grieving family who missed him terribly. But after a visit to the taxidermist Randy returned to his owners. Here the less mobile Randy continued to reassure the family with his presence. Some years later when a new lady replaced the wife of Randy’s owner she failed to appreciate Randy’s charms. He soon found his way into a storage room, made more homely with some photos and a few of his best toys. His owner visits him regularly and the storage operator ignores the “no pets” rule.

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