Saturday, October 31, 2009

A-1 Self Storage Supports the Challenged Athletes Foundation

Feel good Saturday. A-1 Self Storage, made a comment on twitter and announced today their support for the Challenged Athletes Foundation, helping fund grants for more than 4,000 physically challenged athletes. A1 Storage provides self storage in San Diego, CA,

the full story can be followed here, but it is great to see people giving back, A-1 Self Storage Supports the Challenged Athletes Foundation

Friday, October 30, 2009

Webinar Offers Tips to Help Self-Storage Businesses Improve Telephone Sales -

If any of you self storage owners are keen to improve you telephone sales, this may be of interest to you "On November 4, 2009, veteran self-storage management professional Tom Litton will present the free webinar "Maximizing Telephone Sales":Webinar Offers Tips to Help Self-Storage Businesses Improve Telephone Sales -

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a functioning democracy, and Internet bullies shouldn't use the law to stifle legitimate free expression

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HFF Closes Sale of Nine-Property Texas Self Storage Portfolio | Reuters

I found an Interesting story from Reuters, regarding self storage portfolio located in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Texas.
HFF Closes Sale of Nine-Property Texas Self Storage Portfolio | Reuters

Dont forgot you can follow our adventures with Upickstorage. And how they refused to pay for their database which their site uses... Click here for the full story

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Texas Self Storage Association

Texas Self Storage Association,
Just a reminder that he Texas Self Storage Association is currently running its annual conference which was established in 1986 as a non-profit trade association dedicated to enhancing the quality of the self-storage industry in Texas. The Association provides opportunities for member to increase their knowledge of the self-storage industry through education, research, discussion and exchange of information.

why not take a moment a read how upickstorage refused to pay me for the database that thay had me build for them.. click here

Monday, October 26, 2009

Funny comments

Well yesterday, we received a comment which suggested that my Partner has mental health problems. Which I can state she does not(either that or she hides it bloody well and after being screwed over by her family I am sure those signs would begin to appear). The IP address has been noted and passed to our legal team. Can I remind people that we are, and have all the way through these blogs stayed on the right side of the law. Libel is serious, anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents anyone will be deleted from these pages.

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weekend of weird emails.

I received a few interesting emails this weekend regarding various subjects...

But one particularity news letter SitePro News , which I get regularly, caught my attention. It went in to detail about how blog can help your business.
if your business website doesn't have a blog, get one. A blog, if done right, can act as a direct and indirect mechanism that brings large amounts of qualified visitors to your site, many of whom may become customers.

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