Monday, October 26, 2009

Funny comments

Well yesterday, we received a comment which suggested that my Partner has mental health problems. Which I can state she does not(either that or she hides it bloody well and after being screwed over by her family I am sure those signs would begin to appear). The IP address has been noted and passed to our legal team. Can I remind people that we are, and have all the way through these blogs stayed on the right side of the law. Libel is serious, anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents anyone will be deleted from these pages.

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  1. First, I want to say to these jerks that made the comment about mental illness...How DARE you accuse someone of that just because they stand up for themselves!!! The shameless tactics you people use get worse every day. Your special place in Hell is now roped off in velvet.
    Secondly, have they thought that some of their paying customers may actually HAVE some type of mental illness and will not take kindly to having it tossed around as an insult? Trust me, more people have some form of mental illness than most know about.
    I am DISGUSTED!!

  2. I'm sure the person who wrote the post regrets his or her inconsiderate and defamatory comment. They will know now that this blog is not the place for them to vent their bile masked as pious concern.
