Hi again... It me Fleamo I am trying to do a few blogs to establish them rather than just a lame blog floating around cyberland without any real purpose.
Anyway! A strange thing just happened. I briefly mention in the last upickstorage.info blog about our up and coming Radio ad. As soon as I posted it we had a discussion about a TV ad... wow even I am exciting. Yes Mr Pessimistic Fleamo is EXCITED .
As you can guess the conversions took off in all direction. Lots of far out a wacky/funny idea's and some just plan bizarre. So this got me thinking that I should post a blog about Storage Ads and that thought turned in what about Ad's from around the world? So my task to find an Ad that caught my attention began..........................
This one I found was the most interesting and in fact down right clever. It was for a storage company in Spain called BLUESPACE. Enjoy! I do however like the idea of using Tetris ..
No point me going on about how I though it was neat, you might as well just view it yourselves and make your own mind up...