Well it’s Friday. I have been thinking for a long time about where this blog is leading. Like I have mentioned a number of times, it was originally set up to help optimize upickstorage. Nothing more nothing less. To be honest Storage stories are hard to come by and a bit of a difficult subject for an ongoing blog, but as I have proved it can be done.
The Blog received a very nasty comment the other day, the person that wrote this comment has since apologized for it, ( just a note to the person, I thought that was very gentlemen like of you and I appreciated the apology and from my point of view it is forgotten. It took a man to do that)
However the reason the person wrote this comment was partially due to our facebook page. I created the page while in New Orleans expressly to assist upickstorage. I wrote nothing on the page about the whole US episode, because we felt it would have been inappropriate, and the truth be known, if upickstorage had asked for the rights to it, I would have handed it over immediately, but like the rest of the whole situation, no one will speak to us.
I was going to publish part 7, which would have explained about our final day with the company, and how it was stated that everything we had done was unneeded, unnecessary and unwanted and could have been done without us. For this reason alone I felt hurt. The other reason I wanted to publish part 7 was to combat what I felt were lies which have been said. The people involved in this situation know what they offered, know what was discussed and know that they failed on their part.
The whole situation has broken up a family, caused the silliest of arguments, and in my eyes left me in a position I never wanted to be in, which is worrying in the lead up to Christmas. How I can afford any presents for children, when I can’t afford to pay the rent… These things play on my mind.
Which reminds me, a while ago we received fourth hand information that they were looking to take a law suit out against me for this blog, and to be brutally honest - I do not care. How on earth can you sue someone who has nothing? (insert look of disbelief here).
So where do I go from here, well. First thing I am doing, is removing my story… Why? Because the people that matter know the story and the people that did this to us know the story and they are the ones that will answer to God…. I am not a hateful person nor can I normally bear a grudge, but some things cannot and will not be forgotten. I stupidly listened to my partner about trusting family etc, when I have never trusted anyone in my life, and that was a lesson learnt. I am not blaming her, her intentions were good and she has been hurt badly by this whole thing, as well as a few other people…I want to forget about the whole situation and the people involved, I want to try and rebuild my life. Although its not been easy and I cannot see it getting any easier for a long while.
However, I was surprised, to discover my blog appears to be worth something, according to Markoweb.com
So for this reason alone I will not be ending the Blog. I will be removing our story parts and any connection with upickstorage. I intend to continue to publish Storage news and events with the intention of eventually selling this valuable advertising tool to a company who can use it… So hey - if anyone is interested in buying the rights to this blog give us a shout.
I also discovered that the database I developed also appears to worth a fair bit. So if anyone is interested in purchasing over 60.000 names address of US storage companies also contact us. Although the database will be for sale via a different website dedicated to that sort of thing.
So, sorry folks no part 7! I want to forget about the whole upickstorage ordeal. Although I know Christmas will be hard, it is my intention to forget. In my opinion I was screwed and I won’t be so trusting again.
To the family unwittingly entangled in this I am so sorry you have all become involved, but you know what they say blood is thicker than water, you only get one family guys and yours is pretty special, so don’t bicker. Its over, be a family. Please.
To the family unwittingly entangled in this I am so sorry you have all become involved, but you know what they say blood is thicker than water, you only get one family guys and yours is pretty special, so don’t bicker. Its over, be a family. Please.
That blows. But I understand. Karma. It's the best resolver.
ReplyDeleteI wish you and yours a very special holiday time and future success.