Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Watertown Daily Times | Storage facilities plans in LeRay move forward

The town Planning Board gave final site plan approval for EVANS MILLS for two self-storage facilities along Route 11

to read the full story click on the link

Watertown Daily Times | Storage facilities plans in LeRay move forward

1 comment:

  1. you are a great man and always will be no matter what people may say or write...we know who those people are you are very inspiring to those around u and i want everyone to know that!!! how can anyone live with takin christmas from u ur wife and kids of which are all great people!!! they will pay in a way that we may not understand now but it will happen !!!!! i want everyone to know that this man is a great man and much bigger of a man than the ones tryin to destroy what little he has left!!! i am prayin for u and ur family and times will get better for u they have to u are far too great of a person for it to not happen good luck to u and ur family and like i said u are in my thoughts and prayers everday!!!
