Friday, December 4, 2009

Wildomar Planning Commission recommends self-storage ban in certain areas | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Interest story from Sourth California news: the question is, Is this going to be a growing trend in local communities? Self-storage facilities do not belong where shopping centers could be built, Wildomar planning commissioners said last Wednesday.Wildomar Planning Commission recommends self-storage ban in certain areas | Inland News | | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cache Search

It appears that people are very interested in our old story, which has now been removed.  People keep visiting the old story via Google's cache. I'm sure they realize it takes a while for this to update. If  people are not aware of this, and are incredibly interested  in our story, I have no problem re-publishing.  The people accessing our site via the cache know who they are...

Since we are still having an epic struggle on a daily basis and with the approach to Christmas, the feelings of injustice will be growing and getting worse... Everyone involved must understand I have lost eveything and have nothing to lose with the story being on here... So I would suggest you all leave well enough alone, count your blessings and stop going over old ground.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update on the up and coming website.

Update on the new website... We encountered a few teething problems, which we reckon will be recified in Januray... (? Don't ask why so long,) I should say the original  which we have set up is up and running and looks great on the front end.. It also has plenty of room to hold a number of banner and other ads pages, However, the back end is not the easiest to work with on a daily bases, so due to this we will be transferring to another host in the middle of January... 
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Win A Black Nintendo Wii With Big Yellow Self Storage This Christmas | UKPRwire

Oh oh Oh the Christmas cheer has now begun with the Storage industry, If i am honest I seriously wish i could get excited about the Coming holidays, but as we are in no position at the moment it proving difficult... But hay maybe next year will bring us more luck...

Anyway sorry I drifted off there, It looks like Big Yellow storage is giving people the Chance to win a Wii, with their latest promo...

From 1st December right up to Christmas Day, Big Yellow Self Storage has daily stocking filler prizes to be won in their newly launched Facebook application including vouchers for iTunes, Homebase and Love 2 Shop redeemable at dozens of popular stores in the UK including Waterstones, Boots the Chemist & House of Fraser.

Win A Black Nintendo Wii With Big Yellow Self Storage This Christmas | UKPRwire

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chambers of secrets | The strange world of self-storage | UK news | The Observer

I can across this in the paper Guardian,Observer  yesterday.. I admit i like this paper, not just for out side the box articles but also for the Job section if i am honest..

Anyway the article goes in to details about what happens behind those steel doors, It appears a growing wave is merging and Storage units are being utilized for other means, not just to store our belongings...

Chambers of secrets | The strange world of self-storage | UK news | The Observer
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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Viewmag Online Edition

Sorry folks, I am not letting the blog go, its just been busy setting up the new web site and the Holidays and Now I have my family over for the weekend...

but I have had time to find this interest articale from Veiw Online.. It discusses an apparent secret negotiations between city lawyers, a self-storage facility and the local planning planning committee. The residents group fighting the development proposal say they were not included in the discussions with the proponent and only found out about the possible deal at the last minute.

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Friday, November 27, 2009 - Self Storage Finders Joins the CSSA, FSSA and TSSA

Self Storage Finders, an online self storage directory, today announced it has become a member of the California, Florida and Texas Self Storage Associations.

to read the full article click on the link below: - Self Storage Finders Joins the CSSA, FSSA and TSSA
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks Giving

We like to wish all our followers and readers a Happy Holiday..

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Inside Self-Storage Releases Factbook 2010

It that time of year again! You know the time of year when the best of Album come out, as well as the year editions of great books. Well here an interesting one for anyone involved in the Self Storage Business, and for those who have been in the trade for a while will already be aware that  Inside Storage has just recently released its 2010 Factbook.
"The Factbook is designed to educate all levels of self-storage owners, managers, developers, investors and others. Published annually in November, its articles are authored by dozens of experts across all industry fields. It's a one-of-a-kind encyclopedia for everything self-storage."

To read more about this annual hit the link

Inside Self-Storage Releases Factbook 2010

Other news: The new and improved website is coming along great and will be released in the not to distant future,
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Monday, November 23, 2009

Glitches and Domains,

No update today as such! I have been busy over the weekend with a new Domain, and I have plans to integrate this blog with my new domain and new website... So please bear with me, as I experiment with the two...  You many notice a few glitches, but hopefully nothing serious... But once its all up and running, it will be a new and improved Storage News and Stories website with all the bell and whistles you'd expect..

Anyway I hope you all had a great weekend.

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Could Stephen Fry require self storage?

Interesting post on the the Safestore website, regarding one of my Favorite Comedians, Secretly I have to admit I am a regular follower of his twitter updates, For a number of reason but mainly because of his quick and intelligent wit. Mr Fry is also a huge blogger and has a hugely popular blog .

This article mentions that Stephen maybe looking to buy a property in LA, and mentions one for the reason is that is old comday buddy Hugh Laurie ( For people from the US, House from the TV series House, got to admit I love that show also) who also lives in that neck of the world with his family.

Anyway to read the full article click the link below.

Could Stephen Fry require self storage?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Self-storage units: not just anonymous lock-ups - Times Online

This articale is from Thetimesonline, I Found it pretty interesting to say the least, it goes in to detail about how The self-storage phenomenon, from it Military beginnings around Army bases in America after the Second World War to how it developed into one of the biggest industry. It is not often you find an article that goes into such detail.

Self-storage units: not just anonymous lock-ups - Times Online

Friday, November 20, 2009

No part 7.

Well it’s Friday. I have been thinking for a long time about where this blog is leading.  Like I have mentioned a number of times, it was originally set up to help optimize upickstorage. Nothing more nothing less.  To be honest  Storage stories are hard to come by and a bit of a difficult subject for an ongoing blog, but as I have proved it can be done.

The Blog received a very nasty comment the other day, the person that wrote this comment has since apologized for it, ( just a note to the person, I thought that was very gentlemen like of you and I appreciated the apology and from my point of view it is forgotten. It took a man to do that)

However the reason the person wrote this comment was partially due to our facebook page.  I created the page while in New Orleans expressly to assist upickstorage.  I wrote nothing on the page about the whole US episode, because we felt it would have been inappropriate, and the truth be known, if upickstorage had asked for the rights to it, I would have handed it over immediately, but like the rest of the whole situation, no one will speak to us.

I was going to publish part 7, which would have explained about our final day with the company, and how it was stated that everything we had done was unneeded, unnecessary and unwanted and could have been done without us.  For this reason alone I felt hurt.  The other reason I wanted to publish part 7 was to combat what I felt were lies which have been said.  The people involved in this situation know what they offered, know what was discussed and know that they failed on their part.

The whole situation has broken up a family, caused the silliest of arguments, and in my eyes left me in a position I never wanted to be in, which is worrying in the lead up to Christmas.  How I can afford any presents for children, when I can’t afford to pay the rent… These things play on my mind.

Which reminds me, a while ago we received fourth hand information that they were looking to take a law suit out against me for this blog, and to be brutally honest - I do not care.  How on earth can you sue someone who has nothing?  (insert look of disbelief here).

So where do I go from here, well.  First thing I am doing, is removing my story… Why? Because the people that matter know the story and the people that did this to us know the story and they are the ones that will answer to God…. I am not a hateful person nor can I normally bear a grudge, but some things cannot and will not be forgotten.  I stupidly listened to my partner about trusting family etc, when I have never trusted anyone in my life, and that was a lesson learnt.  I am not blaming her, her intentions were good and she has been hurt badly by this whole thing, as well as a few other people…I want to forget about the whole situation and the people involved, I want to try and rebuild my life. Although its not been easy and I cannot see it getting any easier for a long while.

However, I was surprised, to discover my blog appears to be worth something, according to
So for this reason alone I will not be ending the Blog.  I will be removing our story parts and any connection with upickstorage.  I intend to continue to publish Storage news and events with the intention of eventually selling this valuable advertising tool to a company who can use it…  So hey - if anyone is interested  in buying the rights to this blog give us a shout.

I also discovered that the database I developed also appears to worth a fair bit. So if anyone is interested in purchasing over 60.000 names address of US storage companies also contact us.  Although the database will be for sale via a different website dedicated to that sort of thing.

So, sorry folks no part 7!  I want to forget about the whole upickstorage ordeal. Although I know Christmas will be hard, it is my intention to forget.  In my opinion I was screwed and I won’t be so trusting again.

To the family unwittingly entangled in this I am so sorry you have all become involved, but you know what they say blood is thicker than water, you only get one family guys and yours is pretty special, so don’t bicker. Its over, be a family. Please. 
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Watertown Daily Times | Storage facilities plans in LeRay move forward

The town Planning Board gave final site plan approval for EVANS MILLS for two self-storage facilities along Route 11

to read the full story click on the link

Watertown Daily Times | Storage facilities plans in LeRay move forward

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Enterprising advice at Chester Business School from Big Storage boss - Chester Chronicle

Inspiring story from the North West of England reported in the chester chronicle Andrew Donaldson, Founder and Partner of Big Storage gave a presentation to Business students at the University of Chester, in which he highlighted the importance of self belief, determination and a positive attitude, Enterprising advice at Chester Business School from Big Storage boss - Chester Chronicle

Friday, November 13, 2009

U-Store-It Facilities to Serve as Toys for Tots Drop-Off Locations in Indianapolis

I came across another great story today and I thought i would share with you all, I do like that it appears that more and more storage facilities are helping their local communities, According to More than 200 U-Store-It self storage locations across the States are making a difference in their local communities by participating in the U.S Marine Corps Reserve Indianapolis Toys for Tots Program this holiday season . U-Store-It Facilities to Serve as Toys for Tots Drop-Off Locations in Indianapolis

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Extra Space Storage Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2009 Results

interesting report from CNN more signs that the self storage business, is standing tall amongst the rough sea of this years failing economy, Extra Space Storage Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2009 Results

Monday, November 9, 2009

Proactive Investors UK - Lok’nStore FY losses narrow as trading conditions improve, shares up

Lok’n Store Reported to have called the past year a “year of two halves” with contrasting market conditions in the second and the first half, which declined in the direct aftermath of the incepted economic downturn.

Proactive Investors UK - Lok’nStore FY losses narrow as trading conditions improve, shares up

Sunday, November 8, 2009

No Major Update

I am not doing a Storage update to day... just want to post a video....I like this Song,,, RIP Johnny Cash, you are surely missed man...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fridays sigh...

I used to have a fondness for Friday afternoons. It was not that long ago either. I would be working away, glance at the clock every 5 or 10 minutes, waiting for Home time. I loved that feeling, knowing I had worked all week and was looking forward to having a glass of wine with my partner. Don’t get me wrong come Saturday afternoon, I was bored and dreading that Sunday blues I get…

Now however, everyday is the same, day in and day out. Although I should say I used to have a PS3, two large flat screen TVs and a fancy PC to play games on, which helped relieve the boredom. Plus I could also have an occasional glass of wine. Now I am avoiding alcohol for a couple of reason, one being I seriously can’t afford to buy the stuff. I mean I have to ask myself, why spend £5 on a bottle of wine when that could pay a quarter of my fare to see my children. Which by the way I can’t afford again this week. The 2nd reason I don’t like to drink as much, is the fact it makes me sick. I mean really sick… I can be rough for days as I have grown older from just a couple glasses of wine.

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Morningstar Joint Venture Acquires Texas Self-Storage Portfolio

New York, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

Morningstar Properties Services of Phoenix, in their joint venture with Harrison Street Real Estate of Chicago, have recently purchased a nine-facility self-storage portfolio in Texas.

Inside self storage reports
" The sites, totaling 536,000 square feet and 5,300 units, are in Austin, Dallas, Houston, Plano and San Antonio. With this purchase, the joint venture now owns 16 self-storage properties in the state. The stores will be re- branded as Morningstar Mini-Storage and managed by 180 Management Services LLC."

Morningstar Joint Venture Acquires Texas Self-Storage Portfolio

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gretna Outlaws Sorage Boxes -

Local Louisiana storage news...

The consequences of Katrina continue. Using makeshift storage containers is no longer acceptable in the Gretna area.

Gretna outlaws storage boxes -

photo from Gretna, La.

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Wage-theft reports on the rise | North America United States from

I have previous mentioned wage theift, but i keep coming across these articles which are interesting to say the least... this one discusses the raise in the issue in the last 3 years "Immigrants, both legal and illegal, also are frequent victims of wage theft because disreputable employers figure they are less likely to complain, especially if they speak little English or are here illegally. All workers, including illegal immigrants, are entitled under the law to be paid for the work they do."

Wage-theft reports on the rise | North America United States from

Update, this article appears to be no long on the Allbusiness site.... so here is different link on the same subject just a different story this time from Immigration Chronicles. To view the story on there site click here

Monday, November 2, 2009

It’s Official: Bands to Be Banned at Sumter Self Storage

Sorry not feeling too great, bit of the old man flu, I think. Anyway came acorss an interest article for any rock fans out there

It’s Official: Bands to Be Banned at Sumter Self Storage

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Homeowners 'may require self storage to accommodate lodgers'

Well, as you will all be aware, things have been pretty tight for us since June... It appears everyone is feeling the pinch... I came across an interesting article from Safe Store.. I realize it is a British article, but I get the feeling that it maybe of interest to others "It seems that homeowners across the UK may be placing some of their belongings into storage in order to make room for lodgers.

Research published earlier this week by Halifax revealed that the number of homeowners choosing to rent out their spare rooms is on the rise."

Figures released by the organisation show that lodger numbers in Britain have risen by 23 per cent since 2006.Homeowners 'may require self storage to accommodate lodgers'

Posted using ShareThis

Oh we have not forgot our next installment of our adventure to the States, we are just ironing a few things out.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A-1 Self Storage Supports the Challenged Athletes Foundation

Feel good Saturday. A-1 Self Storage, made a comment on twitter and announced today their support for the Challenged Athletes Foundation, helping fund grants for more than 4,000 physically challenged athletes. A1 Storage provides self storage in San Diego, CA,

the full story can be followed here, but it is great to see people giving back, A-1 Self Storage Supports the Challenged Athletes Foundation

Friday, October 30, 2009

Webinar Offers Tips to Help Self-Storage Businesses Improve Telephone Sales -

If any of you self storage owners are keen to improve you telephone sales, this may be of interest to you "On November 4, 2009, veteran self-storage management professional Tom Litton will present the free webinar "Maximizing Telephone Sales":Webinar Offers Tips to Help Self-Storage Businesses Improve Telephone Sales -

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is the foundation of a functioning democracy, and Internet bullies shouldn't use the law to stifle legitimate free expression

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HFF Closes Sale of Nine-Property Texas Self Storage Portfolio | Reuters

I found an Interesting story from Reuters, regarding self storage portfolio located in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Texas.
HFF Closes Sale of Nine-Property Texas Self Storage Portfolio | Reuters

Dont forgot you can follow our adventures with Upickstorage. And how they refused to pay for their database which their site uses... Click here for the full story

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Texas Self Storage Association

Texas Self Storage Association,
Just a reminder that he Texas Self Storage Association is currently running its annual conference which was established in 1986 as a non-profit trade association dedicated to enhancing the quality of the self-storage industry in Texas. The Association provides opportunities for member to increase their knowledge of the self-storage industry through education, research, discussion and exchange of information.

why not take a moment a read how upickstorage refused to pay me for the database that thay had me build for them.. click here

Monday, October 26, 2009

Funny comments

Well yesterday, we received a comment which suggested that my Partner has mental health problems. Which I can state she does not(either that or she hides it bloody well and after being screwed over by her family I am sure those signs would begin to appear). The IP address has been noted and passed to our legal team. Can I remind people that we are, and have all the way through these blogs stayed on the right side of the law. Libel is serious, anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents anyone will be deleted from these pages.

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weekend of weird emails.

I received a few interesting emails this weekend regarding various subjects...

But one particularity news letter SitePro News , which I get regularly, caught my attention. It went in to detail about how blog can help your business.
if your business website doesn't have a blog, get one. A blog, if done right, can act as a direct and indirect mechanism that brings large amounts of qualified visitors to your site, many of whom may become customers.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Quick update and Autumn walks

New York,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Ange
Just a just a quick Blog today... I have my children this weekend( which is fantastic) so i am making the most of the time we get together, I plan to take a walk in the local park, Eat treacle toffee, and kick up some leafs... all the normal stuff you do in Autumn..

Looking at the Storage news front, there is couple of interesting storages news stories floating around the internet.

1/ Bermuda Public Storage will soon open in the budding Bermuda market. The 50000-square-foot self-storage., Click here for full story.

2/Fire officials said 6 units at the self storage center were set on fire. read full story here

It would be great if you could check out some of the ads on this page.

we can also be followed on Twitter and facebook
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Friday, October 23, 2009

The Texas Self Storage Association is about to hosts its annual convention and trade show in

The Texas Self Storage Association is about to hosts its annual convention and trade show in The Woodlands, On Sunday, October 25 till Wednesday, October 28, 2009. New York, Braud and Gallagher,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage

It will featuring a wide range of products and services from the self-storage industry and is open to the public on Tuesday, October 27.

The event kicks off with a charity Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament with the proceeds benefiting the Shriners Childrens Burn Hospital in Galveston. Monday, October 26, will also feature educational sessions ranging from marketing a self-storage facility, to applying solar power to self storage. Sessions offer topics of interest to potential investors and developers, new owners and managers and topics to appeal to the seasoned self-storage professional as well.

Those interested in attending can register online at or by calling 888-259-4902.

The Texas Self Storage Association was established in 1986 and is a non-profit trade association dedicated to enhancing the quality of the self-storage industry in Texas. The Association provides opportunities for member to increase their knowledge.

Don't forget you can follow our story, on how we built upickstorage's database and was not paid. Click here

We can also be followed on facebook & twitter

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A better way for web designers to find clients and for clients to find web designers

One of the issues I use to hear time and time again, is where can we find a web designer, so i figured why not post this here.. check it out....

Launch: Haystack - a better way for web designers to find clients and for clients to find web designers

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


New York,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

Just a quick Blog today... It has been a busy day with Job interviews and preparing for other one to come.

It has been brought to my attentions that we have had well over 4000 visitors, the biggest majority visiting our blog with in the last month. Again I am astonished at the supportive emails we have received. I would like to thank you all so much. I would like to especially thank the good people at Care2.

If you have not had chance to read how upickstorage refused to pay me for my work. click here

Monday, October 19, 2009

If your going though Hell Keep going

New York,,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

Since we arrived back in the UK over a month ago its been mixed bag of experiences. First of all there was the Car rental nightmare. 18hr flight, arrived in Manchester, with the expectation that we would have a car ready, Oh how wrong we were, the company we ordered with failed to accept our credit card because it was from the US. 4 hours later we got one but it was a manual, which my partner can’t drive. Ahhhhh, so we wait a further 2 hours and finally got an automatic tank…
Then the next 2 days, we were heavily jet lagged and needed to find suitable accommodation. The plan was, that we had already made the huge leap in going to the US, with the hope we can open door for our children, or better still an opportunity to live closer to them once upickstorage was up and running. So we held on to that hope and opted to find accommodation in the North West of England. Again, this was not a simple as we first envisaged. We finally found a small one bed flat about forty miles away. Close to the Children and close to Manchester City centre which should if all works out, open doors for employment. We did all this with the last of our savings from selling everything before we took the plunge to the US.
On the employment side of things it has been horrendous. I have registered with every agency in the North West area, particularly, ones which deal with my type of employment. Which if I am honest is pretty specialized. I have also applied for so many jobs its untrue, some times up to 20 applications in one day. Its kinds of demoralizing when you do not hear back from them or worse it turns out to be another agency who also wants you their books.
So the last month has not been great. With no money, and living in a village we have no idea about or even friendly with. My Partner and I tend to be on the internet 24/7 at the moment, composing blogs, social networking or looking for work. Seeing my children has been a limited affair due to the fact we can’t avoid the train fares.
My future Plans are to find A JOB. Pass my driving test. Find more suitable accommodation (slightly bigger) have a proper routine to see my children. I also need to prove to my Partner than I am worth all this, she has put up with so much, she has been there by my side thought out all of this and she has lost her brothers because of their actions. And I love her so so much.

Storage auctions yield mix of treasure

New York,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

I found a really interesting article about Storage Auction over at

the whole post got me seriously wanting to attend one of these,I can imagine there are heaps of valuable goods to be bought on the cheap. ( If your curious to know what an Storage Auction is head here)

Anyway the article is about 72-year-old Wagner and her husband, who both appear to be a pro in the Storage auction business, to read the story head here

Storage auctions yield mix of treasure & junk -

Oh and don't forget to read our story on how upickstorage failed to pay me for the database which there website is built on... Click Here

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Public Storage

New York, ,,Publicstorage, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

There are very few Self Storage news Items around this weekend, I don’t know why, but its low on the ground. Sorry Guys,.There was one slightly interesting story about Public Storage which announced on Thursday that it intends to release its third quarter 2009 earnings results on Thursday, November 5, 2009. Kind of looking forward to that because the company has a had interests in 2,010 self-storage facilities located in 38 states with approximately 127 million net rentable square feet in the United States and 185 storage facilities located in seven Western European nations with approximately ten million net rentable square feet.

On a personal note the reason I am still posting Self storage news and events is to keep this blog on topic, which is Self Storage News and Events, However it is also turned into an personal blog about how upickstorage did not pay me for the work I did for them. Their whole website is built on a database which I put together, If you’re interested in reading about this people and their company Click Here

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Autumn with no funds.

New York, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,

A lovely autumn Saturday, I should be down the Park with the children enjoying the weather and the company. Instead, I am penniless and bored, I can’t avoid to travel the messily 40 miles on the train to collect them. Why? Because Upickstorage refused to pay me.

On the Plus side our blogs are really becoming quite popular and we have received so interesting emails from a few storage companies… Thanks for the support guys and if you want to become a sponsor of these blogs give us a shout, we would be honored….

Anyway I have been addicted to Blip the last couple of days and I came across an old favorite… so I figured the words are so fitting to this hideous situation. This is another shout out, ( ok warning the tune is very heavy and there is a lot of language which may offend..)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Burglars target Tulsa storage units |

New York, Self Storage Florida,,
self Storage South Dekota, San Diego Self Storage Self Storage Washington Self Storage Los Angeles,
Surveillance is underway at self storage unit companies across the city, as Tulsa police burglary detectives work to catch thieves who have broken into 10 businesses in recent three weeks.

The crooks have stolen well over $100,000 in property so far.

It's been a few days since they struck the last business. Considering how busy this burglary ring has been, police believe the crooks are actively looking for new targets.

In just three weeks time, around 100 mini-storage units have been burglarized across Tulsa. Sergeant Brandon Watkins heads TPD's Burglary Unit.

Burglars target Tulsa storage units |

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My its difficult sometime

things have been extremely difficult. First off, trying to file for unemployment has been a nightmare. 5 weeks after claiming we get a letter saying the man say yes…. And we are entitled to next to nothing…. Next was benefit for housing… It took us so long to find accommodation which was fairly central to the children. We thought we found perfect accommodation in a town about forty miles away from them. Thinking that’s not too bad? Boy was I wrong. Today I discover, that the government will only pay a percentage of the rent… the rest has to come from a benefit cheque which would barely keep a rabbit in food…..

There were a few highlights of the day. One being the woman at the housing… It was funny that she started waving her hands around like a gibbon when I unintentionally swore. What I actually said was “I can’t believe all this hassle because I went to the US for a job that Fucked me around”. Boy these people need to toughen up. People use to swear at me all the time.

The next was an email received asking me to remove my comment from Facebook , because they found it offensive…. I have to say, PLEASE, you find it offensive, WTF?? Your family has screwed me and you want me to sit back and consider peoples feelings?? REALLY? feeling like nothing else can go wrong. The fact is, we have been saying that since June 11 2009… I am normally such a tryer, I never give up on something just because it’s difficult. Whether that is me being pig headed or stubborn I am unsure, but the fact remains I do not quit.

Anyway Part 6 is due soon, however it is my Partner who is composing this one, due to the fact it that is based at a critical point where the upickstorage owner has some form of fit at her.

Wordpress Storage News and Events

We can now be followed on are now on Wordpress...... click the logo to view

Thank You

New York, Braud and Gallagher, Self Storage Florida,,,,
Thanks again Guys for all your emails of Support.... I am realizing these are in episodes, but there is a very valid reason for this..

The reason I am publishing these blogs, IS BECAUSE I FEEL THESE PEOPLE LIED AND BETRAYED my partner, my children and Me... I want the world to know this. No other reason. It helps me vent my disgust at them.. plus they have to remember I optimized their site using no money, I can optimize my own site with out money too.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Canadian self-storage art work.

Article from inside Self Storage New York, Self Storage Florida,,,,

Renowned artist Bill Maximick has produce an elaborate painting covering 1,700 square feet of Driftwood Self Storage in Courtenay, British Columbia.

The painting, commissioned 18 months ago by Canadian self-storage owner Cliff Piercy, stretches 145 feet long and 12 feet high.

Maximick also worked self-storage into the painting, adding four open storage doors and themed unit contents.

take a few minutes to read our story, how we returned to the UK homeless after assist with the set up of their business.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wage theft

Interesting article on wage theft from wink
New York, Self Storage Florida,,,,

You worked for weeks expecting a paycheck--but your employer never delivered.

It's called wage theft. It's an increasing problem in our poor economy.

Maybe your employer went out of business, or maybe they just never gave you your final paycheck.

Either way, under state and federal law, they still have to pay you for the time you worked.

"You do hard work and honest work and you deserve honest pay," said Nick Chittenden.

He spent weeks working on a housing development in Naples.

"We call up Friday afternoon to meet with boss. He says we'll meet Saturday. Saturday turned to Tuesday to next Friday and so on," said Nick.

He and the rest of his crew never received their pay.

"It's not just us. It's happened to so many groups. They just flip contractors," said Chittenden.

"When you're hired by an employer to do a job, you have to understand that that employer has to pay you for the time you are working for them," said attorney Carmen Dellutri

to read the full article head here

And read our experience here

Friday, October 9, 2009

$43 per square foot to Homestead US 1 Self Storage.

News from Costar group, reports that American National Self Storage Inc. sold its self-storage facility and business at 701 S Homestead Blvd. in Homestead, FL, for $1.75 million, or $43 per square foot to Homestead US 1 Self Storage.

The 41,115-square-foot building was built in 1986 and renovated in 1993. The new owner purchased the property and the business as an investment and plans to renovate the building to increase occupancy.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Follow us on Twitter

Follow our updates on Twitter, bear with us though because we are novices at the whole twitter updated.Self Storage San Diego, Self Storage New York,Self Storage Florida,,,,

Friday, October 2, 2009

Luxury Self-Storage Facility Opens in St. Petersburg, Fla.

Luxury Self-Storage Facility Opens in St. Petersburg, Fla.

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Part 1 Here
Part 2 Here
Part 3 Here

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

BBC NEWS | Business | Online advertising 'overtakes TV'

Interesting story from the BBC...stating that online advertising spending in the UK has overtaken television expenditure for the first time, a report has said.

Online spending grew 4.6% to £1.752bn in the first half of 2009, while TV spending shrank 16.1% to £1.639bn.

BBC NEWS | Business | Online advertising 'overtakes TV'

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Annual winter coat drive collecting for needy |

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Friday, September 25, 2009

U-Store-It Offers Free Self-Storage in Atlanta to Flood Victims

U-Store-It Offers Free Self-Storage in Atlanta to Flood Victims
— U-Store-It Trust's (NYSE: YSI) Atlanta self-storage facilities will
offer one month rent free storage now through October 31, 2009 for victims
of the recent Atlanta floods. U-Store-It has 9 locations in the Atlanta,
Georgia region for customers who are in need of extra storage
space as a result of damage to their homes.

Check out our story about our adventures in the US with, and how we came back with nothing click here to check out our story

Please also take a moment to check some of the ads.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Employees to be extra vigilant

I thought I would share a interesting story from the Associated press site. Apparently Police are advising Self Storage owners and they employees to be extra vigilant for any possible bomb-making at self-storage facilities. This has arisen after a investigators probe a possible al-Qaida bomb plot in New York and Denver.

Don't worry guys the next installment of our story is still coming.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Self-Storage World Expo

EXPO NEWS from inside Self Storage

Roundtable Program Finalized for Inside Self-Storage World Expo in D.C. Discussion program 5-8, has been finalized, focusing on 20 hot topics within the self-storage industry. Which will allow insiders to answer questions and converse in a meangingful way. Topics to include

* Using the Internet to Reach More Customers ... The Cost Effective Way
* Traditional vs. New-Wave Marketing: Promoting Self-Storage Today
* Common Mistakes in Self-Storage Development (and How to Avoid Them)
* Self-Storage Collections: Getting Tenants to Pay You in Tight Times
* How Much Is Your Facility Worth? Insight to Self-Storage Valuation
* Self-Storage Financing: New Construction Loans
* Self-Service in Self-Storage: Exploring Options
* The Self-Storage Office Makeover

Sunday, September 13, 2009


A company that had posted an increase in revenue in 2009. And although the increase was very modest, such achievements these days command curiosity. The company was a Surrey-based self storage specialist – Big Yellow PLC (BYG). The London-listed, £481m-Cap provides self-storage facilities to domestic and business customers around the country, with particular emphasis on London (69% of stores are within the M25).

The 273 employees of the company labour on 54 sites renting out storage rooms ranging in size from 10 to 500 sq ft (92% of these are freehold). Big Yellow has another sixteen stores in its pipeline. A typical store would be around 60,000 sq ft, with average room rented being 60 sq ft bringing in some £27 per sq ft per year. To complement the storage revenue the company offers packing materials as well as insurance to its customers (around £8m in revenue in 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Editor of Mobile Self-Storage Magazine named

MiniCo Publishing. A division of MiniCo, Inc. Publishes the Mini-Storage Messenger, the leading monthly trade magazine covering the world self-storage industry. Other publications include Self-Storage Now!, Mobile Self-Storage Magazine, RV & Boat Storage Today,Self‑Storage Canada, Self-Storage Almanac,Self-Storage Development Handbook and the Self‑Storage Buyer’s Guide. phew thats some list.

According to reports over at, Erica Shatzer has been named Editor of the company’s "Mobile Self-Storage Magazine" and will be responsible for managing the publication’s editorial direction and content as well as editing and writing features and columns. She also serves as the editor of the quarterly "Self-Storage Now!" magazine and associate editor for MiniCo’s other publications including the "Mini-Storage Messenger" and "Self-Storage Almanac."

Ms. Shatzer joined MiniCo Publishing in October 2007. Her previous experience includes positions as Marketing Professional for State College, Pa.-based AccuWeather, Inc., and Marketing Manager for Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland of Allenwood, Pa. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Self Storage assist with chartiy drive

Good news Friday, its nice to hear story's from the industry that are about given. A press release from Houston stated that for the second year in a row, Amazing Spacing Storage Centers of Houston had joined with the Texas Self Storage Association (TSSA) to raise funds for Shriners Hospitals for Children located in Galveston. The statewide “Make a Difference” campaign encourages area residents to support the financial needs of the hospital, which suffered significant damage during Hurricane Ike in 2008 and is in the process of rebuilding. Additionally, donations are needed for the hospital’s endowment fund, which ensures that every child receives the care he or she needs, regardless of economic standing.

The TSSA has supported the work of the Shriners Children’s Hospital for the past seven years. In 2008, donations raised by the organization reached $197,000, and the TSSA hopes to raise even more this year. Donations to the TSSA “Make a Difference” campaign will be accepted at all three Amazing Spaces Storage Centers until October 8, 2009.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A-American Self Storage of California is offering 30 free days of self-storage for people in danager of losing their homes to the wildfires

ISS has reported that A-American Self Storage of California is offering 30 free days of self-storage and free use of its moving truck to people in danger of losing their homes to the wildfires raging through Los Angeles County.

“The catastrophic effect of these wildfires is being felt, as they get closer to home,” said Craig Olson, president. “We want to do our part to make sure that irreplaceable items are not lost in the devastation. We're encouraging everyone to follow evacuation orders and we are opening up our doors for any valuable goods they may want to take with them for temporary safe keeping.

People in need of evacuating their homes due to the wildfires should call 1-800-499-FLAG (3524). Trucks are subject to availability and will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

state-of-the-art self storage property in Keaau

Local developers have just completed a modern state-of-the-art self storage property in Keaau at the Shipman Center.

The project includes approximately a massive 70,000 square feet of rentable storage space, as well as commercial storage spaces.

The developers have ensured the units are safe and convenient such as individual door alarms, climate controlled spaces, business center, easy access, free Wi-Fi, packing supplies and digital surveillance system.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

kidnapped and taken to a mini storage unit

In 1977 Phillip Garrido pleaded guilty to the kidnapping and rape of Katherine Callaway...who has publicly identified herself as his victim.

Callaway was kidnapped in South Lake Tahoe and taken to a mini storage unit which then stood in the 3000 block of Mill Street in Reno. She later told the Washoe County Grand Jury while driving Garrido talked about Jesus a lot, said he was married and he was doing this because of a "sexual urge...a fantasy....and that he had done in twice before."

Investigators say the storage unit was outfitted with a bed, a movie projector, pornography, sexual devices, drugs and stage lights. He lived a few blocks away. "It was set up for this specific purpose,: says Michael Malloy, the then Deputy District Attorney assigned to the case.

Callaway says Garrido sexually assaulted her repeatedly over a 5 to 6 hour period that only ended when an alert Reno policeman decided to check why a light was on in the unit.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Self storage Quartley expectation

Self-storage professionals in the United States and Canada are being invited to participate in a survey. This survey should records next-quarter expectations in the critical areas of sales, profits, hiring, expenditures, industry economic outlook, and national economic outlook. If your a Self‑storage professionals, visit to participate in the survey and review results from previous quarters. this closes on 9/11/09

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday changes

Ok... You may have noticed that the title has change. The fact remains that this blog is about self storage and the self storage business.

I am seriously looking forward to returning to the north west of England next week. Its home and I am proud of it...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

mini-storage drug bust

Story from Whizz

A Muskingum County Sheriff made a drug bust at a mini-storage.

The Sheriff says his deputies; along with the Central Ohio Drug Enforcement Task Force the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency seized 6 to 8 pounds of processed marijuana, marijuana seeds, botanical chemicals and an array of grow lights, power supply units and blower fans.

Officers also recovered over 14,300 dollars.

It is reported that one person is in custody.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Snake in the Storage

News from Glenwood Springs Post independent reported- Owners of a south Glenwood self-storage facility emptied several units Tuesday morning looking for what may have been an escaped pet python.

However, the snake that one of the Glenwood Self Storage Center unit renters said he found when he opened his unit was no longer there when the city's animal control officer arrived.

“We had a guy come in about 7 [a.m.] who said he opened his storage unit, and the snake was laying there on some boxes,” said Jim Hawkins, who owns the self-storage facility at 3410 S. Glen Ave. with his wife, Ingrid.

“He described it to the animal control officer, and she said it sounded like it could be a python,” Hawkins said. “We emptied three storage units looking for it, but there were no signs of it at all. So, I don't know what we've got.”

Hawkins said the facility does not allow pets to be kept in storage units, and none of the tenants who were contacted owned up to keeping a python.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Size matters in self storage

You all know there are a number of different types of self-storage units available out there in the big bad world, But in order to get value for money you need to ensure that you really need to consider your actual needs and the type of goods that you are storing. One of the most common mistake made by people is that they assume the typical “bigger is always better”. This tends to lead to people signing up for a storage space, thinking that they are getting a x amount of space for x number of dollars. However, the grim reality is that unless you actually physically use that space, then you are simply wasting your money. so be Wary of this, for a a rough guild click here

Monday, August 24, 2009

Police in Detroit Raid Storage Locker

Detnews from Detroit reported that Police raided 14 storage lockers belonging to the 56-year-old man in whose Dearborn home authorities found 151 dead Chihuahuas and more than 100 live dogs last month. The search of the lockers at the Secured Self Storage facility on Gulley in Dearborn Heights yielded more than 100 televisions, at least four lawnmowers, humidifiers, about 100 obsolete computers and 8-track tape machines, but no remains of animals, said James Schmier, a Birmingham criminal attorney representing James Lang.

Dearborn police secured search warrants before the raid, which took about four and a half hours. The storage units ranged from the larger 8 foot-by-8 foot units to smaller units about 3 feet by 6 feet, Schmier said.

Wayne County prosecutors are weighing possible charges against Lang. He could face animal cruelty charges for keeping 151 dead animals in refrigerators and freezers in his home and for letting the living animals burrow through the waste and filth accumulated.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Self Storage Association will move into a new home next month

The Self Storage Association will move into a new home next month in Alexandria, Va. Just across from their old one. The non-profit organization signed a 5year contract of the office space.

Indianapolis-based Duke Realty owns both buildings and represented itself in the transaction. Nate Crowe and Mike Norris of Scheer Partners Inc. represented the SSA.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A classic car new storage home

Interest Story has appeared from California area. Time-standard reported that a 1950 ford patrol car will soon be able to drive into a new home after a local storage business donated space for the Fortuna Police Department.

Four Star Mini Storage in Fortuna offered a 10-foot by 20-foot storage space to the Fortuna Police Department last week to house the restored 1950 Ford, which has been painted and rigged to look like a 1950s patrol car. FPD uses the car for special events and parades but its current storage situation was causing it to deteriorate, Fortuna Police Chief Kris Kitna said.

The classic car is currently covered in tarps under a small, open car shelter kept near the city's animal shelter, collecting a layer of dust and cobwebs.

But before the big move, “We have to get it running first,” Kitna said. Before storage became a problem, the vehicle's clutch was malfunctioning. The Fortuna city mechanic will repair it so an officer can drive it over to the storage facility.

Police officers donated their off-time to restore the car and completed the work about eight years ago.

”They put a lot of time and effort into that car,” Kitna said.

One of those officers was Kevin Stonebarger, who now works for the Arcata Police Department. Stonebarger said it took him and fellow restorer Cliff Chapman, who now works for the Roseville Police Department, about two years to complete the project.

”Everything on the car is basically new ...,” he said. “We rebuilt the whole

Four Star Mini Storage owners Jim and Sharon Redd heard about the department's need for storage space and realized they had a vacant space suited for the vehicle, Sharon Redd said.

”We're just trying to help out the community,” Redd said. "

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Self Storage donate to AIDS $250.000

A San Diego self-storage operator has donated $250,000 to programs that provide relief and prevention for HIV and AIDS worldwide.

A-1 Self Storage has 17 facilities in the greater San Diego area and more than 40 locations across California. It is division of the Caster Cos., which specializes in the acquisition, development and management of self-storage and other commercial property. A family-owned business, its portfolio includes more than 4 million square feet of real estate.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Refund deadline for storage unit in South Dekota

South Dakota Department of Revenue and Regulation has set out reminders to mini storage businesses and their customers that the deadline is fast approaching to file for refunds on their sales taxes paid for mini storage.

Under a law passed in 2009. owners of mini-storage and self-storage businesses the area have until the 1st of October to apply for a refund on sales taxes they paid to the state.

South Dakota Supreme Court ruled that gross receipts from mini-storage and self-storage units are no longer subject to the local sales tax.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hay sorry its been a while since our last post. Lots of changes and lots of coming and going at this end.

A new high-tech self-storage facility recently opened in the Chandler, Ariz. C3 Modern Storage―the Cs stand for “clean, cool and convenient”―offers upscale architecture, This place appears very high tech, it has a wine vault secured by a retinal scanner, gun-storage lockers, safety-deposit boxes, all individual unit have alarms, a conference center, a copier, Internet access, and an entertainment center complete with a flat-screen TV and videogame console. The facility is managed by Judy and Greg Verkuilen.

this place has four-level, 114,000-square-foot facility was the idea of Phoenix-based Vivo Development Partners.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Developers turn to Storage

Another interesting story from Inside Self Storage.

Developers struggling to find successful projects to build in the Memphis, Tenn., area have turned to self-storage facilities and apartment complexes. In recent months, two large storage facilities and have been proposed in Shelby County. Developers site the mortgage and foreclosure crisis as having killed demand for residential building.

The Memphis City Council recently approved the Germantown Storage Planned Development, owned by Jack Johnson. In addition, the Land Use Control Board endorsed a self-storage project as part of the Cordova Ridge Planned Development.

Wesley Ashworth, vice president of Prime Development Group, said his company has not done a residential development in almost two years. He is working with Johnson on the Germantown project, which will have feature 340 interior units and 115 outdoor spaces.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Storage Loin

News from Fox, Reported a Colorado wildlife officers captured a mountain lion in an east Denver storage shed over the weekend.

They tranquilized the big cat, which was first spotted by a man who called the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department.

The man told the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department he saw the lion run into a storage shed Sunday morning in a location about six miles south of Denver International Airport. , Deputies sealed off the area and called the Division of Wildlife.

The mountain lion was a female about 18 months old and weighed about 65 pounds. Wildlife officers planned to evaluate the lionthen tag her and release her in the mountains.

There were no injuries.